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  • Please contact our HR Department who will be able to advise you of your entitlement. You can contact the HR Department on 01469 565204. Should you become pregnant whilst working for OLG Recruitment, please advise your Recruitment Consultant and the client. The client will need to carry out a risk assessment to avoid risks to yourself and your unborn child.

    We will also require a Maternity Certificate (MATB1), which will be issued by your GP confirming your due date.

  • If you are unable to attend work for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to contact your Recruitment Consultant by phone on your first day of absence, before your assignment starts. You must let us know why you cannot attend work and how long you are likely to be absent.

    If you are off work for more than three working days, you will need to complete a self-certification form. If you are not entitled to sickness benefit through us contact the Accounts and Payroll Hotline on 01469 565220. A member of our Payroll team will partially complete a SSP1 form and send it to you for completion. You will then need to forward it to the DSS.

    If you are absent for longer than seven days, you will need to provide a medical certificate from your GP to cover your entire absence from work. If you have to go to hospital as a result of being ill, you will need to give us a discharge notice and a certificate stating you are fit to return to work.

    Some workers may be required to follow a more specific ‘return to work’ procedure, and your consultant will brief you on these requirements, prior to commencing your assignment. Sometimes following a period of sickness it is not possible for you to return to your assignment, and if this is the case we will endeavour to find you alternative work.

    Please note that holiday pay and SSP cannot be paid at the same time. If you receive holiday pay, one day’s SSP will be forfeited for each day’s worth of holiday pay.

  • On termination of your assignment, any outstanding paid annual leave entitlement will be forwarded, along with your final payslip and P45.

  • Only agency workers who are subject to normal PAYE / NI deductions are included within this statutory holiday entitlement. Agency workers who are employed by Limited Companies are not eligible.

  • Yes. OLG Recruitment must have twice as much notice as the number of days leave you wish to take, e.g. if requesting 5 days leave we require 10 days notice.

  • Yes. In line with legislation, OLG Recruitment can, at their discretion, refuse and / or reject a request for paid annual leave. The length of time in which we will notify you if your request is refused will be equal the annual leave request.

  • No. All statutory entitlement to leave must be taken during the course of the holiday year which it accrues, and any annual leave not taken at the end of the holiday year (31st December each year) will be forfeited.

  • No, there is no cash alternative.

  • No. You cannot carry out any other work for OLG Recruitment during a period of paid annual leave.

  • For the purpose of calculating paid annual leave, working hours shall be all hours worked which do not attract overtime rates of pay. If you are engaged on shift work, you will be paid for annual leave at your normal day rate.

  • Your annual leave entitlement is inclusive of Bank Holidays and will be automatically paid.

  • If you are contracted to a site which has shutdowns, you may wish to use your paid annual leave to cover these periods.

  • You can claim all the days accrued up to the time of your request. You can claim a minimum of 0.5 day and a maximum of five days holiday in one week.

  • Contact the Accounts and Payroll Hotline on 01469 565220 to establish that you have sufficient accrual to take the leave you require. Fill in an OLG Recruitment Holiday Form, with signed authorisation from your current workplace supervisor.

    Return by post, fax or email the completed Holiday Form to your Recruitment Consultant as quickly as possible.

  • Annual leave is accrued from your start date, on every hour you work and a deduction made from your gross pay which is accumulated into a holiday fund. When you take any annual leave the fund is reduced and paid to you. The percentage deducted from your wages varies in accordance with your annual entitlement and can be found below:

    Annual entitlement
    (inclusive of Bank Holidays) Deduction from Gross Pay
    28 Days 10.77%
    33 Days 12.69%
    35 Days 13.46%

  • Yes, you will need to pay tax for all taxable income over your personal allowance.

    Please be advised that if you are a foreign student working in the UK some double-taxation agreements mean you do not pay UK tax on your income if you work while you are a student. If your country does not have an agreement like this, you will have to pay tax in the same way as others who live in the UK.

    If you are unsure please contact Accounts and Payroll Hotline on 01469 565220.

  • When commencing work with OLG Recruitment you will need to let us have your P45 immediately so that your tax, national insurance contributions and tax code are correctly reflected in your first pay with us.

    If you do not provide a P45 or complete a HMRC Starter Checklist, then these deductions will be made at the ‘Basic Rate’. Once you have completed your contract, or it ends, for whatever reason, we will issue a P45.

    Notes on P60

    A P60 is issued in accordance with HMRC guidelines and issued to personnel that we have deducted PAYE tax and NI contributions from and are employed by us on the 5th April in the current tax year.

    If you require details of gross pay and tax and do not receive a P60, you can call the Accounts and Payroll Hotline on 01469 565220.

    Please note it is your responsibility to retain your P60. OLG Recruitment can provide a copy upon request for a small charge of £5.

  • If we deduct PAYE and NIC’s from your pay then we will send out a payslip by post or email, detailing the hours worked, your rate of pay, any expenses and any deductions, including tax.

    You can elect to receive your payslip by email by completing the authorisation form on our website.
    Please note it is your responsibility to retain your payslip. OLG Recruitment can provide a copy upon request for a small charge of £5.

    If you are a Limited Company individual we will email a remittance advice to the email address supplied to us prior to the payment being credited to your account. Copy remittance advices cannot be produced.

  • For general complaints in relation to your assignment please contact the Recruitment Consultant who you originally dealt with. We will try to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

    For more serious complaints please confirm the details of your complaint in writing to our Agency Manager who will carry out an investigation into your complaint you will be notified in writing of any action taken within ten working days of the complaint being received.

  • All candidates are paid by bank transfer with funds being available in your bank account on a Friday. On occasions due to Bank Holidays this will not be possible but wherever viable we will bring the payment forward one day. If for any reason the payment is on any other day we will notify you.

  • You are paid based on the pay rate detailed on your contract and on the number of hours you work, these need to be recorded on your timesheet. Timesheets can be downloaded from our website or obtained from our Recruitment Team.

  • It is important to always get your timesheet signed at the end of each week. It must be signed by the client and clearly show how many hours you are to be paid after breaks have been deducted.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that your signed timesheet is received by OLG Recruitment’s Accounts Department no later than 9am on a Tuesday morning following the week the work was completed. Failure to do this may result in you not receiving your pay. Any timesheet not received in time will be added to the following week’s payroll run.

    Timesheets can be emailed, faxed, posted or hand delivered, the relevant contact details are below:


    01469 576264

    Postal address:
    OLG Recruitment
    On Line House, Pelham Road
    North East Lincolnshire
    DN40 1AB

  • If you are involved in an accident at work resulting in injury, however minor, please report it to the appropriate person, ensure it is recorded in the client accident book and notify your Recruitment Consultant.

  • If you are required to travel as part of your job, i.e. other than to and from work, you will need to obtain car insurance for business use. Please contact your insurance provider for further details. Any Mileage expenses incurred need to be authorised by the client prior to submission to OLG Recruitment and reimbursement.

  • OLG Recruitment have a work place pension in place with NEST which came into effect from 1st October 2017. For further information about our chosen provider NEST please go to

  • As soon as you have registered with us, your details are held on our system. We will contact you as soon as we have an assignment matching your requirements.

    Our Recruitment Consultant will explain exact details about the work, such as wages, conditions, hours of work, canteen facilities, dress codes, etc. In all cases OLG Recruitment expects you to honour any verbal commitments made when accepting your assignments.

    You will not be able to start working on temporary assignments until you have provided us with a document which proves you are eligible to work in the UK. This applies to all agency workers regardless of race, nationality or ethnic origin. Your Recruitment Consultant will provide you with a list of acceptable documents.

    If you are no longer looking for work and wish to have your details removed from our database, please put the request to us in writing, and we will reply to confirm your details have been removed.

  • The client you are hired to, is responsible for your health and safety during the contract.

    On arrival the client should induct you on to their site, explaining the layout, emergency procedures, and facilities. If you are in any doubt regarding your duties, please ensure you speak to your supervisor at the client site, and our Recruitment Team.

    Whilst at work, you should:

    • Abide by client rules and policies.
    • Take reasonable care of your own health and safety and of other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions.
    • Co-operate with the client or any other person with responsibility for work place health and safety at the client site.
    • For your health and safety you should not intentionally or recklessly misuse any equipment.
  • Please complete a change of details form and return to our HR Department as soon as possible. We will notify you as soon as the new details have been implemented. The completed form can be emailed, faxed, posted or hand delivered.

    The relevant contact details are below:


    01469 576264

    Postal address:
    OLG Recruitment
    On Line House, Pelham Road
    North East Lincolnshire
    DN40 1AB

  • The Company’s financial stability, reputation, ability to offer employment security and the provision of safe working conditions depends on each employee’s individual performance.
    For the above reasons it is important that all employees obey the Company’s Code of Conduct and follow the rules detailed below:

    1. You are required to be punctual and observe times of work:

    • You are required to report punctually for work at the time stated in your terms and conditions of employment.
    • You must observe the stated lunch break.
    • It is a requirement that you do not leave your place of work before the finishing time stated in your terms and conditions.
    • Your working times can only be varied with the written authority of On Line People.

    2. You are required to respect fellow employees:

    • Do not intimidate, threaten or coerce fellow employees by using physical violence, improper language or other disorderly conduct.
    • Maintain sanitary conditions in washrooms and keep your workplace tidy.
    • Do not distribute unauthorised pamphlets or literature.
    • Do not place unauthorised documents on the Company notice board or remove or deface those documents placed with the authority of the management.
    • Do not gamble on Company premises and within working hours.
    • You must follow all reasonable instructions of supervisors and managers.

    3. You are required to respect both the property of the Company and your fellow employees:

    • Do not abuse, deface or wilfully damage Company property.
    • Do not use Company telephones for personal calls except in cases of emergency.
    • Do not accept personal telephone calls except in cases of emergency.
    • Company vehicles may only be used by authorised employees.
    • Use Company property only for Company activities. Do not take Company property for personal use either on or off Company premises.
    • Use your work time only for Company responsibilities. Do not use work time for personal projects or for other time consuming activities.
    • You are required to protect personnel and Company facilities.
    • Smoke only in those areas where smoking is not prohibited.
    • Do not carry any form of weapon, explosive or inflammable substance on the Company premises.
    • You are required to follow safe, normal work procedures and use only the equipment which you are authorised to use.
    • In event of fire or other alarms follow standing instructions and the orders given by your supervisor or manager, immediately and in an orderly manner.

    4. You are required to be free from the influence of alcohol or drugs:

    • Do not bring to the Company premises intoxicating beverages or consume such beverages except in the case of organised occasions previously authorised by a Director or the Group Chairman.
    • Do not use, be under the influence of, or bring to the Company premises any form of narcotic other than that prescribed for your personal use by a registered physician.

    5. You are required to be truthful and accurate when completing Company documents and records:

    • This requirement includes completion of all time sheets, personnel forms, medical records, holiday requests and other Company forms.
    • It is contrary to Company rules under all circumstances to falsify the time or attendance records of a fellow employee or encourage a fellow employee to take such action on your behalf.

    6. You are required to keep information acquired during the course of your job confidential:

    • Do not convey to any person not in the Company’s employ any document relating to the business of the Company except those published for distribution to the general public.
    • Do not fill in or discuss any trading, marketing or financial surveys of any nature unless authorised in writing by a Director of the Company.
    • Do not disclose information concerning the Company’s or client’s projects except that which is published for circulation to the general public.
    • Do not discuss or disclose any matters concerning financial operations or trading practices to any unauthorised person within the Company or to persons outside the Company.

    7. You shall not accept or offer gifts or favours:

    • It is strictly forbidden for you to request or accept gifts, cash, entertainment or favours from any business, organisation or individual that currently does, or seeks to do, business with the Company.
    • You must not offer gifts, cash, entertainment or favours to any Client or Client’s representative, other than common courtesy associated with customary business practice.

    8. You are required to comply with the Company’s code of conduct at all times:

    • You must not bring the Company into disrepute in your private time outside working hours.
    • Whilst working at other locations or client’s premises you must observe all their safety regulations, company procedures and code of conduct.

    Breaches of these requirements will be dealt with under the Company’s disciplinary procedure as the circumstances require.